Supporting rural communities
Fur Life Foundation’s mission is to support rural communities in times of need by raising funds which are then distributed to our partners.
About Fur Life Foundation
Fur Life Foundation helps to enrich the lives of people and animals in need through our partnerships with local and national charities. Fur Life Foundation provides rural communities with a local touchpoint via Apiam Animal Health’s network of veterinary clinics based across regional Australia where donations can be made.

Our Mission
Fur Life Foundation’s mission is to support rural communities in times of need by raising funds which are then distributed to our partners.
Fur Life Foundation has a focus towards rural and regional communites.
2020 Bushfire Appeal
In response to the 2019/20 fire events Fur Life Foundation ran a Bushfire Appeal in support of wildlife and rural communities impacted by bushfire.
Previous Events
Our inaugural fundraising event was an amazing online Auction to support the incredible work Rural Aid does in helping to reduce the hardship faced by our farming communities.
2020 Bushfire Appeal
- Fundraising Goal $150,000 100%
In response to the devastating fire events that impacted on wildlife and rural communities and their pets and livestock, during 2019 and 2020 the Fur Life Foundation ran the 2020 Bushfire Appeal with donations made via our network of veterinary clinics (listed below) or online, via PayPal here. 100% of all the funds raised by the Fur Life Foundation 2020 Bushfire Appeal will go directly to Rural Aid and Wildlife organisations across Australia to assist them in delivering support to animals, people and communities impacted by bushfire.
Other ways we supported the 2020 Bushfire Emergency:
Apiam Animal Health via their network of Veterinary Clinics contributed:
- $10 from every primary consult^
- 20% of pig, feedlot and ProDairy consult fees*
- 5% of all pig and sheep semen sales *
- Medications and supplies
- Veterinary staff to affected areas
^ For every primary pet consult undertaken by a particpating Apiam Animal Health clinic, Apiam Animal Health will donate $10 to Bushfire relief via the Fur Life Foundation between the 20 January 2020 – 29 February 2020. A primary consult is considered the first visit for a pet (not subsequent follow-up visits) and includes standard vacination / check-up consults.
* 20 January 2020 – 29 February 2020
Donate to the Fur Life Foundation
Donations to the Fur Life Foundation are via PayPal. PayPal is a trusted payment gateway proividing a secure and safe transaction process.
You do not need to have an exisiting PayPal account and major credit cards are accepted.
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Previous Events
The Fur Life Foundation provides support to established charities such as Rural Aid, AMRRIC and state Wildlife Organisations via fundraising.
The Foundation holds fundraising events throughout the year via Apiam Animal Health’s network of Veterinary Clinics and in response to local, state or national events that impact rural communities.

Online Auction
Our inaugural fundraising event was in support of Rural Aid. With the impact of climate change, drought and floods affecting our local farmers, their families and the animals the care for, the Foundation’s aims was to raise funds to support the incredible work Rural Aid does in helping to reduce the hardship faced by our farming communities.
Our online auction consisted of an array of amazing items to bid on across a broad price range. With something for everyone from the grandest of contributions to the smallest of items the support was overwhelming from our friends, associates, clients and suppliers with a huge contribution from staff across the Apiam Animal Health network.
With every winning bid supporting Rural Aid we were very pleased to raise $6000 which we then donated to this wonderful charity.
It was with great pleasure Apiam Animal Health Managing Director, Chris Richards, and Fur Life Foundation Representative, Renee Waters, handed the big cheque over to Suzie Jacobs, Rural Aid Community Representative, Victoria.
Terang Bushfires
On St Patrick’s Day in 2018, Southwest Victoria was overwhelmed with the rapid and devastating spread of four fires across the region. Following a day of searing temperatures and catastrophic winds, fires in Terang, Garvoc and Hawkesdale were sparked by touching and fallen power lines as darkness fell. Residents, farmers and fire fighters faced a terrifying night of evacuations and defending properties as the fires, fanned by 100km winds, cut their way across the landscape. Once the smoke had subsided, losses included 24 houses, over 50 sheds and outbuildings, nearly 15,000 hectares of pastures and forests, 2,500km of fencing and over 10,000 head of livestock.
The impact on local wildlife was unknown but injured koalas were treated in many veterinary clinics across the region. A number of Apiam’s staff and clients were impacted, with some spending numerous days displaced from their homes. Others spent days out fighting fires as volunteers with the Country Fire Authority.
Apiam were able to provide immediate assistance to impacted farmers by coordinating the distribution of emergency medications from our generous suppliers, to local veterinary clinics and Government veterinary officers. Our Fur Life Foundation raised nearly $600 which was donated to Blaze Aid during a dinner that our staff prepared for their volunteers.
Ongoing support included discounted and subsidised veterinary care for those farmers most affected by the disaster, as well as considerable pro bono veterinary care for impacted wildlife. The recovery effort took months, as feed shortages, infrastructure damage and the health impacts of burns and smoke inhalation took their toll on the region’s livestock and farm profitability. However, the resilience of the community and generous support of people right across Australia has helped the region to rebuild and recover.

Our Partners
Fur Life Foundation has partnered with two well-established charities who provide exceptional assistance to rural and regional areas during times of need and in the provision of services that enhance the welfare of animals and the people who care for them.
The Foundation partners with Wildlife organisations across Australia.
Rural Aid provides a holistic support program to rural Australia and aim to lend a helping hand when times are tough with support via various project initiatives including Buy-a-bale.
Animal Management in Rural and Remote Indigenous Communities (AMRRIC) coordinates veterinary programs in remote Indigenous communities to enhance outcomes in dog management, health and control .
Contact the Fur Life Foundation!
Donate at an Apiam Animal Health Clinic
Fur Life Vet Bendigo
Epsom 1800 387 543
Golden Square 1800 387 543
Fur Life Vet Eaglehawk Road
03 5443 9385
Gippsland Veterinary Hospital
Maffra 03 5147 1177
Sale 03 5144 3100
Kyabram Veterinary Clinic
Kyabram 03 5852 2244
Nathalia 03 5866 2860
Terang & Mortlake Vet Clinic
Terang 03 03 5592 2111
Mortlake 03 5599 2612
Warrnambool Veterinary
Warrnambool 03 5561 2255
Port Fairy 03 5568 1855
Border Veterinary Clinic
Barham 03 5453 3159
Cohuna 03 5456 2709
Leitchville 03 5456 7334
Kerang 03 5452 2094
Southern Riverina Vets
Finley 03 5883 3833
Echuca 03 5482 3202
Moama 03 5480 6071
Deniliquin 03 5881 5488
Dubbo Veterinary Hospital
02 6884 1190
Quirindi Veterinary Clinic
02 6741 2000
Gympie Veterinary Services
Gympie 07 5482 2488
Tin Can Bay 07 5486 4666
Scottsdale Veterinary Services
03 6352 2996
Smithton Veterinary Service
03 6452 6333
Cox Street Vets Hamilton
03 5571 1202
Devoted Vets Warragul
03 5623 2525
Portec Veterinary Services
1800 673 100
Bell Veterinary Services
07 4663 1315
Chris Richards & Associates
03 5442 6142
© Fur Life Foundation 2020
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